This past Thursday was my little sister Nat's 26th birthday. She moved 2 hours away after she got married this summer but she still comes back almost every weekend. We think it is Lake Michigan that brings her and Adam back every weekend and not the family, but we are just glad we still get to see her frequently. Sunday we decided to go out to breakfast with the whole sibling group to celebrate her birthday, total of 12 people. I remember when Francie, Natalie and I first moved to Michigan and we used to go out to breakfast all the time and it wasn't so chaotic, but now that we all have significant others and Rachael and Derrick have added 2 more kids to the mix, it is a lot more of a chore to eat out together. Luckily only 2 be

verages got spilled on the table, and only one guest was disturbed enough to actually say something to us (Katya's chair kept bumping into the ladies chair that was sitting at a table behind us) so I guess it wasn't that bad after all. Although, I'm sure the waitress was happy for us to leave. Then we all came over to my house for some birthday cake. Rachael got creative and decided to bake rather than buy the cake this year, and I'm glad she did, she made a
peaches 'n cream cheesecake that was quite good. (and yes that means I cheated on my diet)
While we were at breakfast Katya decided to show me how she could do funny things to her face; she can cross her eyes, wiggle her ears, and flair her nostrils. Quite talented I'd say. So when I got out my camera to take a picture and promised to put it on my blog, Jack and Kristen decided they had equally blog worthy funny faces.
Just so you don't think my nephew and nieces are always funny looking, I added a few normal pictures too.
I'll have to send 'em on over to your site to see my pretty, pretty cake. I was so proud of myself for how pretty it turned out. I can usually make something taste good, but taste good and pretty too...that's hard to do.
Did you eat the extra piece that I left for you in the fridge?
I'd like to cheat on my diet too, please. You could FedEx the extra piece to me if you're not planning on having it ; )
Yes Rachael, I ate the extra piece, I was so glad you took the leftover cake with you then I found the extra piece later that day. I tried to get Todd to eat it, but he said that was too much dessert for one day. So I decided to save it for today and had it for breakfast, so sorry Kathy you are out of luck!
That cake was pretty good! I love peaches, too!
Oh, and Lori, you forgot to mention that on my side of the table, Ben was eating little packets of jelly/jam, lick if hands then try to wipe them on Adam, and then through pancakes on me!
It was a chore to eat breakfast that day!
It sounds like you guys had a fun time together celebrating. The cake looks delicious!! Looking forward to fun times together in a few weeks.
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