Today was supposed to be the day, but seeing as it's getting close to 7pm, I am beginning to doubt that anything will happen tonight. When I went in for my doctors appointment today I decided that if the baby doesn't present himself on his own free will by Friday, then I am going to be induced. I just don't want to wait any longer. I was only planning on taking 6 weeks off work, and seeing as I've already wasted a week of that, I see no point in waiting much longer. Plus Friday is sort of convenient for everyone. My sister Natalie will be in town for the weekend, my sister Rachael is off work, as is my sister Francie, and my sister-in-law Lisa is going to Aruba on Sunday and she would like to see him too before she leaves.
Oh, and I got my push present early. Todd decided I should pick it out myself, so this afternoon we went to the jewelry store and this is what I picked. And no it's not a combo Anniversary present/push present, my anniversary present is that Todd agreed to cut his hair before the baby comes home from the hospital. This may not sound like much of a gift, but it was my idea and trust me there's nothing I want more. And now that it's in print, he can't take it back! (Haha)
Oh, by the way, Todd rarely reads my blog, I think he reads my sisters blogs more than mine, but of all times for him to read it, he read yesterdays post about the push present! I guess it worked out in my favor this time.

I cannot believe how stubborn this baby of your's is being.
Todd promising a hair cut is an awsome gift. How did you come up with that one?
I love the necklace (locket?) It is really pretty.
Well in all selfishness, at least you won't have to share your wedding anniversary with the baby. Unless of course he knows this and he tricks us all and comes into the world before midnight tonight. If it's close enough, I think I would just fudge the record. Just kidding.
Your push present is gorgeous! Nice selection.
I think your husband's anniversary gift is fantastic and I can imagine how excited you are about it.
It really would be nice if he came today as it would mean 4 1/2 hours of labor. Now, that would be some special gift from your son! Plan B for being induced on Friday sounds very logical too.
Happy anniversary! And happy due date. (That should be a holiday too!) I was really hoping for today. I have to work the next 2. Tomorrow would work too, because I will be at that hospital. Friday is bad, cause I will be at the other one! I will just have to hope for EARLY Friday or Saturday!
I think Todd's gifts are perfect! Especially the part where he let you pick them. It is a beautiful necklace!
What a pretty necklace! Lucky! And that Todd is cutting his hair! Very good gift idea! Okay, that is enough exclamation points for now. I have been bugging Amy all day, wondering if she got the phone call yet. She's getting tired of me. I hope this baby comes soon, I know how long pregnancy can feel, and to have your due date come and go has to be very frustrating. Keep me posted, k? (no pun intended on the "post" thing... sorry)
That is a beautiful pendant! Nice choice.
Good luck tonight. Have you bags packed! :)
Great present - well chosen! Sorry the baby is being stubborn, but Friday is close and a good day, right? And if it's scheduled, then you know you have more time to get things done.
I can't believe he agreed to cut his hair. That is huge. The necklace is nice too though.
I know this doesn't help you much, but I so clearly remember how disgusted with myself I was when I went post-dates with Kristen. I swear I thought I'd be pregnant FOREVER and then alternately I thought I'd just imagined the whole pregnancy thing and I really was NEVER having a baby. Really desperate. 10 (almost 11) years has gone by SO quickly though. Enjoy it. Don't worry, you won't be pregnant forever.
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