Thursday, February 26, 2009

just complaining again

Well here I am at work, it's 3am and guess what? My stomach hurts again. Maybe it's because I'm working and we were pretty busy up until now so I was running around a lot. Maybe it's because I called to get a refill on my motrin today and was told I can't take it anymore. Apparently it was intended for a short term only. So I can't take motrin, I can't take T#3 except very sparingly, leaving me with plain tylenol as my only option, which is not very helpful.
So I think I am going to have to cut my 12 hour shifts at work down to 8. That seems to be my threshold.


Tina in CT said...

I would think that 12 hours a day when you're 8 months along would be a strain. Wise to cut back to 8hours. When are you done?

Sorry that you still are having pain.

Tina in CT said...

I would think that 12 hours a day when you're 8 months along would be a strain. Wise to cut back to 8hours. When are you done?

Sorry that you still are having pain.

Shanna said...

Yes, cut those hours back some. You are so close with only 29 days!

Elle J said...

Yes, I agree 8 is plenty! I hope you find some comfort soon. And I hope that your manager/coworkers are understanding and not putting any extra stress on you by their comments/actions. Take care and stay healthy.

Kristin said...

aren't preggo's only supposed to work 8 hour shifts during their 3rd trimester?! i obviously didn't pay enough attention during ob class. but i thought there was something about 8 hour shifts only... :) hope your body doesnt start to reject those 8 hour shfits too! haha

Tina in CT said...

Wondering how you made out with your long work shifts? Miss your blogging but I know you are very busy (and tired).

Shanna said...

Hope everything is going well for you in your last weeks! I keep checking your sister's blog just incase there is news!