Monday, December 31, 2007
Anyone want to hold a baby?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Were heading home
Funny how I wanted to use my laptop the whole time we were there, and now that I have it, I just want to take a nap in the car. So I will sign off for now, but here a couple pictures from the weekend.
Grandpa Bob, Katya and Anthony
As much as I don't want to be in a car for 12 hours, I think I might have a better day than my mom and Bob. They have a very messy house to clean up today. Happy cleaning!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
2 votes for Cutest Baby
And, one of these two cousins cast him their vote.
The other of the two was trying to win some points elsewhere perhaps.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
Let the holiday festivities begin...
My shopping is done, the gifts are wrapped and I'm just finishing up making eggnog-panettone bread pudding for Christmas morning. I've never had it before, but the other day I was watching Racheal Ray's show and she was making it, the idea to make it myself came when I was over at my sister Rachael's house and I saw a gift box of panettone bread. I asked her what she was going to do with it, and she said she didn't really like it, but I'm guessing she's never really tried it. It looks sort of like fruit cake only more bread tasting. So I took the bread home with me and now the sink is full of dirty dishes and the bread pudding is baking in the oven.
In just a few short hours we will start our round of visits. 2 tonight, 3 tomorrow and then the day after Christmas we are off to New York to visit my mom and step dad and 2 other siblings and their families. As my mom so proudly pointed out, there will be a total of 20 people in her house. This excites her and only her, the rest of us just go along with it to please her, but we are excited to see everyone. The 10 hour drive with a 3 week old baby should be an experience as well. We are going to have my niece Kristen ride with us so she can help Anthony when he loses his pacifier. Yes this means I decided to keep the pacifier. Even though it is difficult to keep in his mouth at night, it is still more helpful than not.
Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Years!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Pacifier or Not, baby's first bath
All dressed and ready to go run errands with mom.
Todd has been sick the past 2 days, so I have been parenting solo to avoid getting myself or the baby sick. I think he's feeling better today, even though he is still complaining a lot. He is moving around the house more and actually ate some food, so I made him take care of Anthony for a couple hours so I could get a nap. Now I'm rested and ready for whatever Anthony decides to do tonight, sleep or cry.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Making Christmas progress
With Christmas only 8 days away and practically no shopping done, I was starting to panic. I have been house bound for 2 days due to snow and baby, but today I decided I must get out of the house and do some shopping. Todd, Anthony and I headed to town and got some very productive shopping done. Were almost done, tomorrow I will do the rest by myself while Todd goes to Chicago for work something or other. It will be the first time I go anywhere by myself with the baby. I hope it goes as well as it did today.
Attempting to finish post now, (typed with one hand, which I'm getting rather quick at)
Apparently I don't get good nights and good days. Only one or the other. And since yesterday was such a good day for Anthony while we shopped, I should have known the night would be a rough one. He was awake from about 3:30 till 8am, unless I was rocking him (standing up, sitting in the chair wouldn't suffice). He would fall asleep in my arms, and as soon as I layed him back in his bassinet, he cried. We also had to change his clothes 2 times during the night.
So now it's noon and were just getting going this morning, still planning on getting out and doing the last of my Christmas shopping. Although we probably wont be ready to leave the house for another couple hours with getting both of us dressed and fed. I'm not sure if I want Anthony to be a good baby or not today. Because I could really use a good nights sleep tonight. Although I also really need to get my shopping done.
I'll let you all know how it turns out.
Friday, December 14, 2007
One week later
I took a couple days away from the blog to rest whenever I could, I'm starting to get so tired from being up so much at night. Although the swaddling blanket is working great for keeping him in his bassinet, he still wakes up every 2 hours and then it takes at least an hour to feed him and rock him back to sleep, sometimes longer. Usually the 4am wake up is the hardest to get him back asleep and I usually give up and bring him in bed with me. But every night gets a little bit easier, and every now and then he will sleep a good 3-4 hours straight through.
I've been reading on other peoples blogs that Christmas is approaching fast and most people have once again found themselves needing to hurry up and get their shopping done. I keep leaving comments along the lines of yeah, me too but it sort of hit me today that Christmas is only 11 days away. Guess how much of my shopping I've done???? I have about 3 gifts which I bought the day after thanksgiving, and so far that's it. I seriously need to get going! I think maybe I'll leave the shopping up to Todd this year. It would be interesting to see what he would pick out for everyone.
Other good news is that in the one week since Anthony was born I have lost 21 pounds! Now I really wish I'd done a better job of controlling my weight gain. If I'd only gained the ideal 25 pounds I'd be so close. Instead I still have 15 more to go. Yes I gained a whopping 36 pounds. Now if only I could lose another 20 pounds this next week.... I know that isn't going to happen, but wouldn't it be nice.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Swaddling blanket saves the night
Since my nights have been somewhat sleepless and we have been on the go everyday, I am not getting naps during the day I am starting to feel the fatigue. Today I decided I was going to stay home all day and sleep whenever I get the chance. I got one good nap in already today, and it was so nice. I'm enjoying just staying home and cuddling with my baby.
P.S. Guess who got a haircut? I will post about that later tonight when I get an after picture, baby permitting.
Monday, December 10, 2007
What we've been up to
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Which would you rather?
December 7
While it was a very long day, and I will spare some of the details, but here is a run down of the day. And just so you know, I have been trying to post this all day long, but caring for a newborn baby is much more time consuming than I thought. I only got a few hours of sleep last night (our first night at home) and was so busy with the baby this morning that I never got around to breakfast, and didn't get lunch till 2. Thankfully my sister Francie came over and went grocery shopping for us and made us some soup for dinner tonight. I have so much more to say and so many more pictures to post, but if I don't publish this now, I may not get another chance today.
Just getting started...
Under the advice of my sister, I put some makeup on when we found out it was very close to push time.
Rachael, my labor coach.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Live Blogging
Labor SUCKS.
2 epidurals later...
It sucks a little less.
Today's the day! (hopefully)
Anyway, today is the day, because I said so. Were heading to the hospital here shortly, hopefully I will have some good news soon, though I'm expecting it to be a very long day. I'm guessing one of my sisters Rachael or Francie will post about the baby before I do, so you may want to check their blogs later tonight for updates and/or pictures.
Okay, so I woke up at 6an this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I was supposed to call the hospital at 7 to make sure they aren't too busy for me to come in. I wrote this post while killing time with the intention of publishing it just before leaving. I was very calm and fine. Now it's 7am and I just called the hospital and they said to come on in. Okay, now I suddenly have that funny feeling in my stomach I get when I'm nervous or scared! I guess I better sign off and get ready!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Decemeber 5, 2005

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Time is up!
Oh, and I got my push present early. Todd decided I should pick it out myself, so this afternoon we went to the jewelry store and this is what I picked. And no it's not a combo Anniversary present/push present, my anniversary present is that Todd agreed to cut his hair before the baby comes home from the hospital. This may not sound like much of a gift, but it was my idea and trust me there's nothing I want more. And now that it's in print, he can't take it back! (Haha)
Oh, by the way, Todd rarely reads my blog, I think he reads my sisters blogs more than mine, but of all times for him to read it, he read yesterdays post about the push present! I guess it worked out in my favor this time.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
One more day
I was hoping to not have to share my anniversary with my baby's birthday, but at this point, I don't care. We can share special days and he can come tomorrow. I keep asking Todd what he is going to get me for our anniversary, and he says he is giving me a baby, but I keep telling him that is my gift to him. I mean clearly I have to do all (okay, 99%) of the work to get him here. Plus my sister Rachael was telling me this weekend about the push present. The push present is the new gift giving trend in which the father buys the mother a gift to commemorates the birth of their baby. I'm so glad she told me about it, I made sure Todd was aware of the push present too. So even if he tries to use the whole baby thing as the anniversary gift, he still has the push present which I am fully expecting to get.
Mouse Hunt
Any one have a cat that can catch mice? If so, can we borrow it for a day or two?
UPDATE: Well the good news is we caught the mouse, or should I say mice, there were 2 of them. This is so gross, I wonder how long they've been there and where all have they been. I'm hoping not long, there was minimal evidence of droppings found, but we did find some in the linen closet and our bedroom closet, so does this mean we have to wash everything, or do they stay low on the ground?
The other good news is our closet is now clean, which I've been meaning to do for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. Nothing like finding a mouse in your closet to motivate you. We also now have a large donation of clothes to give to the GoodWill. So I guess something good came out of all of this.
I think just to be on the safe side, we will leave traps set and sleep in the basement again tonight.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree
Anyway, today I finished decorating the tree and the rest of the house, and now it feels more like Christmas. By the way, the tree is not crooked, I think the camera was when I took the picture.
As far as baby news, I think I might go crazy if this baby doesn't come soon. Yes I know, I am getting a bit obsessed about the whole thing, but now that I have been off work for 4 days I am starting to get impatient. I actually called work today to see if they were short staffed. I secretly hoped they weren't but at the same time, I thought it might give me something to do other than sit around and wait. Turned out they didn't need help. I'm still undecided if I'm happy about that or not.
I keep thinking everyday will be the day, and everyday it's not! Whenever I feel a twinge in my stomach I think, oh, is this a sign? but no, it's just the baby kicking me. I guess I should just be a bit more patient, I am still 2 days away from my due date.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Zip, zero, nada!
Friday, November 30, 2007
My maternity leave starts today!
I went in for a second membrane stripping this morning (aren't you glad your getting all the details?). Then I came home and took a good long nap and now I'm awake for the day, even though it's 4pm and the day is almost over. And I just ate a whole pineapple to help the labor thing. Now I fell sick, and I'm pretty sure I never want to eat pineapple again. So I'm doing everything I can, I would sure like to have this baby by the weekends end. Mostly because I'm afraid of how big he's getting, but also because I'm so big and my stomach is so tight and I'm so tired of being pregnant and so uncomfortable, and the list goes on and on. I really wasn't much of a complainer during my whole pregnancy, I think I actually did quite well, but I'm making up for it now.
Okay, consider yourselves updated, I'm going to go to the mall now to walk around and see if that helps. My friend Michelle suggested this to me earlier this week but I told her I thought that might get really expensive. (since my maternity leave is unpaid I have to be a bit more careful) She laughed at me and said I wasn't supposed to shop, its just a place to walk where it's warm. I will try to refrain from shopping and just walk. Wish me luck!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Still waiting...
So yes this means there is no baby yet! My mom says it's just the baby's way of showing me who's boss? Which is kind of funny that my mom said that, because I clearly remember her telling me many a times "When you get to be the mother you can make the decisions." I guess that must start after he's born because so far he isn't listening!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Just in case your wondering...
My fight with Target is over!
Then I found a sale item that I really wanted to buy for my niece in the Target ad for the black Friday shopping sales. I made an exception and went in and bought what I needed. I told my sister Rachael who was with me that it was a one time exception, but she said this was just the first of many exceptions I would likely make and I was only hurting myself by boycotting them.
Well tonight I went to the big mall in South Bend about 30 minutes away, and since there was a Target close by, I decided to try one more time to exchange a few items, thinking a different Target might not be as strict. Guess what? No problem, the items were returned for a store credit with no questions asked! What a difference. And the best part is now I don't have to boycott Target. I guess were both lucky!
Monday, November 26, 2007
39 week pregnancy update
When I got home from the doctors office I realized my house was a mess from having company and being on the go so much in the past few days. I decided I better clean it up just in case. I'd hate to have to go to the hospital to have the baby and come home to a messy house and loads of laundry to do. Luckily I don't have to clean too thoroughly, my housekeeper will be here Thursday for that, but I still had to pick up and put away a lot of stuff, and get the laundry done. As I was cleaning I realized the only bad thing about having my membranes stripped was that I may miss the natural nesting instinct that precedes labor. It was quite a chore to get the whole house cleaned, I had to take a nap first just to get the energy.
So now the house is clean enough, the laundry is almost done, and the nursery is ready, so if today is the day, I guess I'm ready. Well sort of, I still need to pack a bag for the hospital, but that shouldn't take too long.
I'm off to the mall now to buy some new make up, I'm all out of foundation and mascara. I was talking with my friend D'Arcy today and she told me not to worry about it, that I wont have energy to put make up on after the baby's born. That may be true, but call me vain, I can't take that chance. I must go!
Friday, November 23, 2007
I was right, my mom was wrong!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The nursery is ready!
Friday, November 16, 2007
More pregnancy talk, (sorry that's all I can think about these days.)
Here is a picture of my new stroller/car seat combo, It's a PegPergo that I thought was going to be a splurge, but then I found it for a great price on the internet and saved $125 off the average asking price, plus free shipping and no tax. I love it when I find a good bargain.
These things are tricky to figure out too. It was rather frustrating trying to figure out how to open and close the stroller, and how to attach the car seat to the stroller.
Here is a picture of my new Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag that I thought I just had to have, spent too much money on, and now that I have it I don't like it. Unfortunately I can't return it, only exchange it for another one, but all of their fabrics are so bright, which is exactly what I don't like about it. Hopefully I can find something a little less loud. What do you think? Is it too loud?
P.S. Rachael if you read this: Can I take Sudafed? The box says to consult a doctor before taking if pregnant, and I really need some.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Rachael
Today is my sister Rachael's birthday, and she is away from her kids, but before you go feeling sorry for her, I must tell you she is in the Bahamas. Yes, it is for a work conference, but still it is a vacation in the Bahamas, so how bad can it be? I thought she might be missing her kids just a bit so I put this little video on my blog for her, just in case she is able to access the internet.
Our mom who lives in New York came to stay for the week to watch Rachael's kids while she's on vacation, I mean at work, in the Bahamas. We are all so glad she's here, we will all gain at least 5 pounds while she's here because she brought everything but the kitchen sink from her own kitchen to cook for us. And she's staying for Thanksgiving, so we will get to indulge in all the traditional vegetarian thanksgiving day family recipes we grew up on and love!
Rachael you will be happy to know your kids are doing well with grandma Cece and eating good just as we did last night. I came over to the house tonight at 5:30 to help make dinner and all the kids were sitting at the table eating dinner already, Jack and Katya both already had their baths and were in jammies. Katya, the one who doesn't like vegetables, (as I'm sure your aware of) ate spinach salad, broccoli, and mashed potatoes with gravy, and asked for seconds of everything.
Katya has also been keeping her good and behaving for grandma Cece seeing as she's sooo old!
Kristen is working on her school projects like a good girl with Auntie Francie.
Grandma is quizzing Katya and Jack on their spelling words, Jack can hardly keep quiet as Katya struggles with her words.
Grandma Cece and Ben went and did a little shopping at the farm store earlier today after dropping the other kids off at school. Mom took pictures of it to post on her blog, but she's too busy taking care of 4 kids to blog, so I am doing it for her. Ben was like a kid in a candy store, or should I say, a farmer in the farm store?
Now my mom is mad because she just found out I stole her pictures off her camera for my blog, so for those of you who read both blogs, you may get a double dose of Ben pics.
And she'll probably be mad at me for saying this, but as well behaved as your kids are for grandma Cece, they are still wild indians, don't let mom fool you into thinking they're perfect for her.
Have a happy birthday, and we'll see you when you get back!
P.S. I am so miserably pregnant I would seriously consider some medical intervention to speed this thing along if you weren't out of town!