I've heard from a couple people (Todd included) that I will miss the sleepless nights with my baby when he grows up. Somehow I don't think I will be shedding any tears the first time he sleeps through the night. In the mean time I have a dilemma on my hands. Pacifier. Yes or No. Everyone says how great they are, I tried a few times to get Anthony to take one but he would just spit it out, then under the advice of my friend
Amy, I sort of forced it on him. Meaning I held it in his mouth until he started sucking. Okay so now he likes the pacifier. Thanks to the pacifier, I had a great couple of days with him, I was able to stretch out the feedings just a bit which helped get some much needed shopping done. The problem was last night when he kept losing the pacifier and it would wake him up and he would cry. So unless I slept with my hand holding the pacifier in his mouth, neither of us was getting any sleep. So I decided to ditch the pacifier and make him fall asleep without it. 3 hours later and another feeding and he was finally asleep without it. Now I'm afraid to give it back to him because I don't want another night like last night. Maybe once he's big enough to put it in his own mouth I'll give it back. Although we are going to NY the day after Christmas to visit my family and it's a debatable 8-12 hour drive. I say debatable because it should, mileage wise, only take 8 hours, but every time someone in our family makes the trip, it always takes much longer. I think were just really poky and like to stop a lot. Anyway, I may break down and give him the pacifier for the trip.
Today Anthony got his first bath! Real bath that is, I have been sponge bathing him, but yesterday his cord fell off so I could give him a tub bath. He was not happy at first, but eventually seemed to like it!

All dressed and ready to go run errands with mom.
Todd has been sick the past 2 days, so I have been parenting solo to avoid getting myself or the baby sick. I think he's feeling better today, even though he is still complaining a lot. He is moving around the house more and actually ate some food, so I made him take care of Anthony for a couple hours so I could get a nap. Now I'm rested and ready for whatever Anthony decides to do tonight, sleep or cry.
He is sooo cute, Lori! I loved the pacifier. I found it to be really helpful more than I found it to be cumbersome. Yeah, you lose them and they fall out but babies like to suck and I liked the "mute" button. Max never really got the hang of finding his pacifier in the middle of the night but once he got older it would just fall out and he wouldn't wake up. I was more nervous about using them intially because I was worried about the day I would have to take it away. That eneded up not being a big deal at all. Everybody has an opinion...just do what works for you and little Anthony! Oh, it took Max a while to get the hang of sucking on it, too.
I think he's getting bigger already! I love how you're in the (big) tub with him, giving him his bath...
I certainly preferred the pacifier to the thumb. Michael used the pacifier, and that was easy enough to "lose" when it was time to give it up. S & A were the thumb suckers, and that was a hard habit to break.
It looks like he has grown since I saw him last (a few days ago?). He's pudging up already and looking too cute!
You know I vote for pacifiers. They can't put them in their own mouth and find them if lost for many months (8, 10, maybe even 12) so if you're waiting til then to do a pacie, he won't want it then.
I also tried the pacifier but she never took to it and found her thumb instead. Fortunately she stopped the thumb and only used it when falling asleep. If I remember correctly, the thumb stopped around the same time a pacifier would (sometime around one). I was blessed with a baby that slept very well and never had the sleepless nights. Hopefully Anthony will soon start doing the same. I can't imagine anyone looking back and missing those sleepless times.
I can't imagine looking back fondly on the sleepless nights - not that I've had a baby, but I'm guessing it's like saying "Man I miss having to stay up all night to study!" :-)
I just checked map quest to find out how long it should take me to get from New York to Michigan. And the numbers are: 9 hours 45 minutes. It usually takes me 12 hours. I think I do make too many stops.
Oh, the pacifier. Remember when I came to visit you in Seattle and Madeline lost her's at the zoo, in the Zebra pit?
Remember how she ended up with one afterall?
Francie took her to the park while you and I walked to the gas station in hopes that they sold them. While we were there, Madeline climbed into one of the tubes at the park and stole a patsie right out of some little girl's mouth. Then the dad just gave it to us. said he had another one in the car. Yeah right. I bet he went to the store as soon as he could. We decided the damage was already done, seeing as she was already sucking on it, so we let her keep it.
He is so DARN cute! Can't wait to see you guys.
Give it a little time. They'll pop out and you just pop it back in. Eventually he'll hang on to it and hopefully, after he falls asleep, he won't notice when it tumbles.
He is adorable. Love the smell of clean baby heads. :)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
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