Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 1


Well we all survived week one. Although we had quite a bit of help from my mom and Todd's mom. My mom is here staying with me for the week and has been a huge help with the kids, the meals, and the cleaning. In addition to all that she has been sewing like mad to get Bella's bedding made. She finally finished it today, and then decided that she needed to make a matching sheet, cause the white one I bought just wont do. Todd's mom has also been a big help. She lives just around the street corner and whenever I need a break from two kids she takes Tony off my hands for a couple (2,3,6 or 7) hours which is a huge help. He is really needy right now, even though he is getting better and better everyday with adapting to the fact that he has a sister to share his mommy with. Sometimes he just needs a little one on one attention, and Grandma J gives him just that. I don't really have that luxury anymore. He can be really sweet with Bella at times, offering her his pacifier when she is crying, and at other times he tries to hit her. It makes me nervous when he gets close to her, cause I never know if he's going to be sweet or rough.
As for the night times, I think it's going pretty good. She wakes up about 3 times during the night to eat, and most times she will go right back to sleep in her bassinet. A few nights she hasn't wanted to, and I just bring her downstairs and we both fall back asleep on the couch together.
During the day she is very good. Sleeps a lot right now, hardly ever fussy without a good reason. She is held almost all the time, so she is becoming very spoiled. I hope I can keep it up when my mom leaves, I had a small taste of what's to come next week when she's gone. I was home alone with both kids for about 1 hour the other day and I couldn't wait for her to get back home. I was giving the baby a bath at the sink when Tony woke up from his nap, then he needed dinner, and Bella wanted to be held. When I gave him is dinner he picked the plate up and dumped it on the floor. It was a rough hour, and starting next week I get to be home alone for the whole day. Hopefully I can manage. Todd's back to work too so he wont be much help during the day, but thankfully his evenings aren't that busy yet so he can help me in the evenings.
I think my blogging is going to be pretty infrequent for the next few months as this is the first time I've had time to sit at the computer for anything other than quickly checking my email. I will try to at least post pictures from time to time, but the story part will be brief if at all.

P.S. Todd has my camera now, but tonight I will take a picture and post it on my blog of the baby crib bedding my mom made.


Francie said...

You got some awesome pictures! We'll have to set up a time for me to get some better pictures of me and the baby though!

Rachael said...

Great slide show. Hopefully we can help you this summer with the kids! I'm sure you'll be FINE.

Shanna said...

You will quickly get the hang of it. It will be nice having some family so close. Soon enough they will be entertaining each other!

Tina in CT said...

You're going to find that Bella will be going through being held withdrawal next week. We flew home to CT from CA when Tami was 4 weeks old and she was held a lot by her grandmother and friends. When I got back to CA, it took a week or so for her to get back to her routine.

I'm sure you are going to miss having your mom there and I know she'll miss all of you once she is back home in NY.

Fortunately your MIL is close by to help with the kids.

Libby G. said...

Lori, do you have a ring sling? Those things are a godsend when you need your hands free! Just put the baby in it and tuck them right up against you and go on about your business!