and so did Todd and Anthony [my first night back to work]. Before I left for work I gave Todd all the instructions I could think of to make his night go as good as possible. I also instructed him to call me every time he got up with Anthony. (I needed reassurance that he wouldn't sleep through Anthony's crying.) I was pleased that the night was quiet for me at work, only 3 or 4 patients for the night, and easy ones at that. It was sort of nice to be back to work, I got to read my book and surf the web at my leisure, but as the night progressed I got more and more tired, and I started missing my baby more and more. By the time it was 7am I couldn't wait to get home to him. As I was driving home from working I was thinking Todd got an easy night too since he had only called me at 12:30 and 3:30. But then he called me on the drive home, apparently Anthony was up from 2:30 until 4:30 and then awake again at 5:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 7. I guess Todd only got a few hours of sleep. (now he really knows what my nights have been like). When I got home at 8, Todd was standing in the kitchen with Anthony (awake again) in his arms and ready to hand him off to me. As tired as I was, I happily took him to give him hugs and kisses, feed him and then we all three (four if you count Brewster) went back to bed until about noon.
All in all it wasn't so bad, but as I'm learning quickly, whatever difficult baby situation were currently dealing with always seems much worse in the moment, and later, once some time has passed and some sleep has been had, it doesn't seem so bad after all.
I just HATED going back to work. It was so stressful. I felt like my mind and heart just weren't into for many weeks. But, it does get easier, and it helps to know they're home with Daddy. Glad you all made it through unscathed!
I bet it was a long night for both you and Todd!
How did it go last night for Todd?
How did it go last night for Todd?
How did it go last night for Todd?
I'm so glad that your first night back went well. I can't imagine having to leave him... but getting home to see him makes it all the better. NOON! Good Lord woman! How did you possibly stay awake so long. And I hope you didn't have to go back to work that night.
oh, how did it go last night for Todd? ;) JUST KIDDING Tina in ct!
Glad it went realatively well, I'm sure it was rough on all of you!
I looked at the schedule and ALL of the days you picked up are opposite me! I am glad you made it through. I know leaving the first few times are SO hard! I am kind of surprised that Todd didn't end up driving to you. Good for him!
I was just really ready by the time I went back to work. I stayed home for almost 9 months, and was BORED and really needing to talk to adults by then!
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