Thursday, September 13, 2007

Internet update

I have emailed the director of the ER about getting an email password, but still have not heard back. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I have a plan B if she doesn't respond, or if the answer is no, but I'm hoping to not have to resort to that.
I did however finish the book Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks, and I bawled my eyes out. Usually I only cry at the end of his books, but this one got me from about the middle all the way to the end. It is probably the saddest, most sappy sweet book I have ever read. So if you want a good cry, I recommend you read it. But don't read the prologue first, it sort of gives the ending away.
Now I am in desperate need of a new good book, so if you have any suggestions for a good read let me know. It must be a good book from the start or I tend to lose interest. I never liked books that take several chapters before it gets good.
Francie maybe you could hurry up and finish the Jack and Jill book your reading and pass it along to me, it sounds like a good one.


Scoobers said...

I highly recommend the books by Jen Lancaster, "Bitter is the New Black" and "Bright Lights, Big Ass".

I laughed the entire way through.

I'm curious as to what plan B is...

Rachael said...

The Bridget Jones books are pretty funny (or v. funny I should say). Mine are due back at the library tomorrow, maybe you could check them out after I return them (although I have to hurry up and finish tonight!)

I can't read Nicholas Sparks. Too sappy.